Equality of the sexes in the UK
Welcome to the second edition of The Equalogist which aims to raise the profile of men/boys issues. Each newsletter will include: forthcoming events, links to groups (just one or two each issue), campaigns looking for support, interesting articles, websites, videos etc. To make sure you get each issue: use the form on this page.
Progress: The message is slowly sinking in.
While there are still many miles to go, there are tiny signs that the cultural change needed to make life fairer for men and boys is starting to happen. One example is the discussion on masculinity on New Culture Forum (see item below).
A second example is the backlash to the trans-agenda. Perhaps Woke culture has taken a step too far. People who went along with a lot of Woke culture have started to say ‘enough is enough’ when it comes to medicating children and adults self-identifying as the opposite sex. Once people have broken their silence, they will be happier to speak up on other issues.
A third is the establishment of the Free Speech Union (see item below). While neither this nor the trans issue are directly on the men’s issues agenda, they both are signs that society is waking up to issues held down by political correctness.
If you spot signs of progress, forward them to The Equalogist for the next issue. We aim for publication in the first week of the month.
Sunday 17th: National Conference on Men’s Issues (2020)
“Domestic abuse is a men’s issue, too.” This conference focuses is on domestic violence which affects boys and men. They have a range of experts and speakers arranged. If possible, please book by March 7th.
details and booking
Venue: Central Manchester
Cost: £95 (including lunch and refreshments)
Saturday 13th:Symposium – Minister for Men
If you are interested in this issue, see details below
Venue: Bath
Friday 19th: Conference. Male psychology.
Theme: ‘Male Psychology: where are we now, and where do we need to be?’ Organised by British Psychological Society.
and booking
Venue: London EC2A
Cost: ~£175
Join: Free Speech Union
Have you had enough of stories about people losing the careers over a tweet they sent to a friend or a speech they made as a student? ‘Cancelling’ and ‘no-platforming’ have become normal. At £50/yr the Free Speech Union is quite expensive, but is an insurance against you being caught up in such incidents.
Toby Young gives numerous examples on the into video: it’s not just speakers on men’s issues have been treated in this way.
Video: Masculinity is not toxic
New Culture Forum assumes that ‘culture is upstream from politics’. Their in-depth interviews and lectures are high quality. Although initially concerned with Brexit and MSM bias, they have created this video on masculinity as part of their Counter Culture’ series.
Register your interest: Minister for Men:
Swayne O’Pie, who has been campaigning on this for some years, asks: “Would you like to see a Minster for Men: a government minister whose remit would be to address all male issues? A symposium is to be held in Bath on Saturday the 13th of June to explore ways forward. Would you be interested in attending? All input, views and ideas are valued. Please register your interest in attending by contacting us at ministerformen@gmail.com as soon as possible. Thank you.”
An opinion poll in July 2019 showed that 50% of the public supported the idea of a Minister for Men.
Facts: Domestic abuse, men and women.
Here are two sources of evidence to counter the myths either that domestic abuse is ‘overwhelmingly’ against women, or that most DA against men is by other men.
Source 1: This survey of nearly 75,000 students aged 11-16 in Wales, by researchers at the University of Cardiff, contradicts the widely-held belief that dating violence overwhelmingly affects women.
The study asked whether the student had been either a victim or perpetrator of dating violence.
While almost the same number of girls (8%) as boys (7%) reported that they had been perpetrators, many more boys (17%) than girls (12%) claimed they had been victims of physical dating violence.
Source 2: The UK Office of National Statistics has published these figures for the sex of those committing domestic abuse (DA). The figures show that, while twice as many women as men are victims of DA , the gender of the perpetrator is over 95% the opposite sex in both cases. Male victims have female perpetrators.
Book: The Boy Crisis. Warren Farrell & John Gray
The book identifies four main areas of crisis for boys: education, mental health, fathering and purpose. The Boy Crisis is a comprehensive blueprint for what parents, teachers, and policymakers can do to help our sons become happier, healthier men, and fathers and leaders worthy of our respect.
It’s quite a long book, so, as a reference work, it is very comprehensive.
There’s a great African proverb in the comments to Farrell’s TED talk: “The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”
Website: Human Rights and Wrongs
This website is an encyclopaedia of articles and links from around the world. This article: ‘Myths about domestic violence’ is a good reference.
Meet other like-minded men
Network for Men is an informal webpage with gives you the opportunity to meet up with other like-minded men in your own area. Simply sign up here and you will be put in touch with others in your area. SIGN UP TO NETWORK FOR MEN
Got an item for the next edition? Have feedback, news, events, errors etc? Like to join the team? Email: newsletter@equalogy.uk
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Newsletter sent by Mike Bell, 69 Cambridge Road, Oakington, Cambs CB24 3BG