No-fault divorce

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill started it’s passage in the Lords in early February 2020. You can see it’s progress here.

The current law is out of date as it requires that one party files a ‘petition’ which includes some evidence of the breakdown. In practice, very few divorces are contested.

As presently worded, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill replaces the evidence with a simple statement of breakdown. However it not only removes the right of the other person to contest the divorce, it also imposes a very short timeframe (currently 6 months).

This means that the mother will be able to simply state that marriage/partnership is broken-down. The problem is then compounded by the way the Family Court deals with the breakdown. men almost always lose out in such settlements and their children can either be denied access, or be granted very limited access based, initially only on the statements of the mother.

This would be virtually ‘divorce o demand’.