This is an example draft letter for you to send to your own MP asking for their support for Minister for Men. It is important that you state your name and address to prove that you are a constituent.
You can find out who your MP is here.
Feel free to use the letter as it is, but it would be much more effective if you could give the letter your own personal touch.
Once you receive an answer to the question in the letter, please share the name of your MP and the answer you received with us using the ‘contact’ page here. Thank you, your support is crucial.
[Your Name]
[Your address]
Dear [name of MP]
As one of your constituents, I would like to know if you would, in principle, support the creation of a new government post: a ‘Minister for Men’?
We currently have a Minister for Women and Equalities and a Minister for Women, but there is currently no representation for the many needs of men and boys.
It would be the aim of a Minister for Men to address the pressing issues such as male homelessness, underachievement of boys in education, male mental health and the high male suicide rate, lack of support and visibility of male victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence, addiction (both drug and alcohol, male-specific health strategy, issues around family breakdown and custody.
There are many great strategies focused on women and girls in these areas, but very few supporting men and boys. Perhaps, in our efforts to create a more equal society, we have overlooked the needs of men and boys?
The Minister for Men would complement the Ministers for Women and Equalities which would create a more inclusive and holistic approach.
Would you be in favour of a ‘Minister for Men’?
Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to your answer.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name.]