Author archives

Inaugural meeting.

Minutes of the Inaugural meeting.  Tuesday 16th March 2021 Attending: Members JENKINSON, Mark LEVY, Ian BRADLEY, Ben B BENTON, Scott B DAVIES, Philip SMITH, Henry EATON, Baroness, Margaret PONSONBY OF SHULBREDE, Lord Fred STEVENSON OF BALMACARA, Lord Wilf FARMER, Lord, Michael MORRISSEY, Baroness, Helena FOX, Baroness, Claire Secretariat Mike Bell Chris Badley Mark Brooks Apologies:  …

Duluth model, Wikipedia page August 2020

This is the page on the above date. Wikipedia is open to being edited by anyone so we are recording this well-researched page in case it is edited into an anti-male version in the future. Duluth model From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Duluth Model or Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is a program developed to reduce domestic violence against women. It …

Hate crime letter

The Scottish Government welcomes your views on any aspect of the Bill as it begins its passage through Parliament.  Please send any queries titled ‘Hate Crime Bill’ to I would hereby like to express my opposition to the concept of Hate Crime Legislation and strongly oppose the new  “Hate Speech” and “Misogyny” legislation The …

Hate crime submission

Submission to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill Call for Views Summary This submission addresses the merits of a statutory aggravation for sex hostility or a standalone offence for misogynistic harassment. We seek to highlight the following: There is a significant lack of public support for hate crime law in Scotland – the …

Letter to Boris Johnson and reply 7/20

(BJ used the term ‘overwhelming’ to describe both female victims and male perpetrators of domestic abuse. Our letter dated 12 June 2020) Dear Mr Johnson, We are writing to you regarding the statement you shared on Twitter after the Hidden Harms Summit. Your statements were factually incorrect and damaging for male victims of Domestic Abuse …

Domestic Abuse Bill 2019-21

Additional information.  Protecting male victims and their children. Report Stage: House of Commons Domestic Abuse is not a gendered Crime Please vote to ensure that the Domestic Abuse Bill does not become gendered.  The “gendered approach” marginalises male and LGBT victims and perpetuates the falsehood that Domestic Abuse ‘overwhelming affects women’.  Crime survey figures The ONS …